Compassionate Contrology

An invitation and conversation integrating our physical, mental, and emotional bodies and our core beliefs in compassionate inquiry and movement to find freedom in everything we do BETTER…

What is Compassionate Contrology?

Compassionate Contrology is a method that combines Contrology (control of the mind, body, and spirit) Movement developed by Joseph Pilates and the Compassionate Inquiry Process developed by Dr. Gabor Mate. 

My name is Katherine Denham. I am curious about the conversations we have with oneself, another, our community, and our environments through our daily movements.

Through breathwork, compassionate listening, and a gentle embodied perspective, I aim to guide you to freedom physically, emotionally, and mentally.

  • Through a gentle inquiry process in conversation (on Zoom or in person) we will explore the felt sense of your emotions and the areas of the body that hold stories of tension, pain, or discomfort. Simple directed movement may reveal a part of your body that is holding a restrictive pattern and with mobility and release self-regulation can be attained.  

  • Breath and movement exploration is used to create a safe and delicious experience of play in relationship to gravity.  

My Vision

I appreciate a great salad of many kinds - homemade dressings, meat, locally made honey, and loose-leaf teas AND Movement makes me happy, it is always the THING that keeps me feeling joyful! Dancing, surfing, hanging in multiple ways, climbing trees, mountain biking, swimming, and hiking mountains… Contrology has kept me limber, strong, and free in all the ways my body wants to move.

This makes me better at everything I love to do.

Dr Gabor Mate’s Compassionate Inquiry Approach is a hidden secret used to support the body through a conversation that can open one up by exploring the deep truths of our personal core beliefs and held patterns.

These two modalities, when combined, embrace the parts of our stories that need to be heard, seen, and shared.


Individual Contrology Sessions

Private One to One sessions are offered for anyone wanting to experience another way to be in conversation with their body, mind, and spirit.

Group Workshops

I love to share in groups. Large and small. Retreats or workshops. The more time we have together, the more we can dive deep into the heart and gold of body, mind, and spirit through Compassionate Inquiry and movement.


Sharing my history and story of why contrology works is important and effective.


I feel so lucky to have had Katherine as my mentor. She is able to hold a beautiful balance between having incredibly high standards, and yet so much care and compassion. Katherine has all the qualities of a great movement educator: embodied in her own practice, creative, a great listener, attentive to her students, a superb communicator, and connected enough to her own intuition to make a real difference for each unique person she teaches. I know my own success in the program was very much due to Katherine’s unwavering support. Thank you Katherine for sharing your wealth of knowledge, expertise, and kindness with me.

- Jennifer Helland

I first met Katherine Denham about 16 years ago when I first walked into her newly opened studio in Davis Bay.  I was looking for a positive change to my years-long fitness routine at the gym.  I look back on that day and realize it was one of the best things I have ever done for ME. Katherine’s quiet, insightful, and nurturing approach to sharing her extensive knowledge of the human mind and body and its connection makes her a joy to be around. I always leave her studio, feeling nourished, renewed, and re-committed to a positive, healthy lifestyle moving forward. Thank you, dear Katherine.

- Lyn Watters

I have been working with Katharine for the last few months and I have learned so much about myself with her guiding me through the compassionate inquiry technique. I feel safe in my sessions and without any judgment.
I have developed a close connection with Katharine and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her .

- Lysta Reardon

Contact Me

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